Well. I borked up the v2 case print.
What happened was, I was printing the v2 case in black. But at 85% completion, the black filament ran out. I replaced it with a different used spool, but that one tangled after 5 minutes, and ruined the whole print.
I reprinted it in red, since that was the only full spool I had. It came out pretty well, but now I have to spray paint the model. After two coats of black paint, I realized three things:
- Glue doesn’t like paint. I have some parts that have to be glued on after it’s painted.
- I forgot to make a few edits, so the camera modules mounting holes are still off by 2-3mm.
- I forgot to thicken the top to give the screen mounting screws more than .5mm to hang on to.
So, here I am, reprinting the v2 case, yet again, this time in black, and holes moved.
Hopefully, this is it! 🤞🏽